We Need to Step It Up

In our culture today it is okay to stop at the bare minimum, in some cases it is even encouraged. I have seen a lot of people doing just enough to get by. I am guilty of it to, more so in the past, but still today I suffer from allowing mediocrity into my life.Continue reading “We Need to Step It Up”

I Quit! You Should Too!

Too often we let things accumulate, things that hold us back from our dreams. Some people do colon cleanses, liver cleanses, spring cleaning, etc….. This is about a life cleanse. A deep clean for your soul. “I Quit!”, these words can be liberating. In the right context it means that you are taking control andContinue reading “I Quit! You Should Too!”

A Brief Synopsis on the Emerging Adulthood in Middle-Class Society.

No one ever told me emerging adulthood was going to be such a train wreck. Growing up, I always thought it would be exciting: no rules and I can do whatever I want. “Woo Hoo,” I thought. Whilst arriving into emerging adulthood I realized this was not the case. I did not go to college,Continue reading “A Brief Synopsis on the Emerging Adulthood in Middle-Class Society.”

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